Selected Publications
Sudwarts A., and Thinakaran G: Alzheimer’s genes in microglia: a risk worth investigating. Molecular Neurodegeneration, 2023, 20;18(1):90. doi: 10.1186/s13024-023-00679-4. Full Text
Ponnusamy M, Wang S, Yuksel M, Hansen MT, Blazier DM, McMillan JD, Zhang X, Dammer EB, Collier L, and Thinakaran G. Loss of forebrain BIN1 attenuates hippocampal pathology and neuroinflammation in a tauopathy model. Brain, 2022 Sep 5:awac318. doi: 10.1093/brain/awac318. Full Text
Sudwarts S, Ramesha S, Gao T, Ponnusamy P, Wang S, Hansen M, Kozlova A, Bitarafan S, Kumar P, Beaulieu-Abdelahad D, Zhang X, Collier L, Szekeres C, Wood LB, Duan J, Thinakaran G, and Rangaraju S. BIN1 is a key regulator of proinflammatory and neurodegeneration-related activation in microglia. Mol Neurodeg. 2022. 17(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s13024-022-00535-x. Full Text
Rynearson KD, Ponnusamy M, Prikhodko O, Xie Y, Zhang M, Nguyen P, Hug B, Sawa M, Becker A, Spencer B, Florio J, Mante M, Salehi B, Arias C, Galasko D, Head BP, Johnson G, Lin J, Duddy SK, Rissman RA, Mobley WC, Thinakaran G, Tanzi RE, and Wagner SL. Preclinical validation of a potent γ-secretase modulator for Alzheimer’s disease prevention. J. Exp. Med. 2021. 218(4): e20202560. Full Text
De Rossi P, Nomura T, Andrew RJ, Masse NY, Sampathkumar V, Musial TF, Sudwarts A, Aleksandra J Recupero1. Thomas Le Metayer1, Hansen MT, Ha-Na Shim H-N, Sofia V Krause SV, Freedman DJ, Vytas P Bindokas VP, Narayanan Kasthuri N, Nicholson DA, Contractor A, Thinakaran G: Neuronal BIN1 regulates presynaptic neurotransmitter release and memory consolidation. Cell Reports 2020, 30(10)P3520-3535. Full Text.
Andrew RJ, De Rossi P, Nguyen P, Kowalski HR, Recupero AJ, Guerbette T, Krause SV, Rice RC, Laury-Kleintop L, Wagner SL, and Thinakaran G: Reduction of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease risk-factor BIN1 expression does not affect amyloid pathology in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. J. Biol. Chem. 2019. 294(12):4477-4487. Full Text
De Rossi P, Andrew RJ, Musial TF, Buggia-Prevot V, Xu G, Ponnusamy M, Ly H, Krause SV, Rice RC, de l’Estoile V, Valin T, Salem S, Despa F, Borchelt DR, Bindokas VP, Nicholson DA, and Thinakaran G: Aberrant accrual of BIN1 near Alzheimer’s disease amyloid deposits in transgenic models. Brain Pathology, 2018. doi: 10.1111/bpa.12687. Full Text
Andrew RJ, Fernandez CG, Stanley M, Jiang H, Nguyen P, Rice RC, Buggia-Prévot V, De Rossi P, Vetrivel KS, Lamb R, Argemi A, Allaert ES, Rathbun EM, Krause SV, Wagner SL, Parent AT, Holtzman DM, and Thinakaran G: Lack of BACE1 S-palmitoylation reduces amyloid burden and mitigates memory deficits in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2017. 114(45):E9665-E9674.
De Rossi P, Buggia-Prévot V, Clayton BLL, Vasquez JB, van Sanford C, Andrew RJ, Lesnick R, Botté A, Deyts C, Salem S, Rao E, Rice RC, Parent A, Kar S, Popko B, Pytel P, Estus S, and Thinakaran G: Predominant expression of Alzheimer's disease-associated BIN1 in mature oligodendrocytes and localization to white matter tracts. Mol. Neurodegener. 2016, 11:59. DOI 10.1186/s13024-016-0124-1. Full Text
Buggia-Prévot V and Thinakaran G: Significance of transcytosis in Alzheimer’s disease: BACE1 takes the scenic route to axons. Bioessays. 37:888-98, 2015. Full Text
Buggia-Prévot V, Fernandez CG, Riordan S, Vetrivel KS, Roseman J, Waters J, Bindokas VP, Vassar R, and Thinakaran G: Axonal BACE1 dynamics and targeting in hippocampal neurons: a role for Rab11 GTPase. Mol. Neurodegener. 9:1, 2014. Full Text
Buggia-Prévot V, Fernandez CG, Udayar V, Vetrivel KS, Elie A, Roseman J, Sasse VA, Lefkow M, Meckler X, Bhattacharyya S, George M, Kar S, Bindokas VP, Parent AT, Rajendran L, Band H, Vassar R and Thinakaran G: A Function for EHD Family Proteins in Unidirectional Retrograde Dendritic Transport of BACE1 and Alzheimer's Disease Aβ production. Cell Reports 2013, 5: 1552–1563. Full Text / PDF / Movies